If you are a leader, who’s following?

When this blog first started, it was just one of millions of blogs in cyberspace.

After returning from a Disney Institute course on Leadership Excellence, I had a story to tell. Yes, David Balentine had a story that he wanted to share with everyone. Why? What was going to be so special about his story?

Well, everything. That is if you believe in the power of story telling.

At first, there was nobody around. It’s like walking on stage in an auditorium with a seating capacity of 1,000 and all 1,000 seats were empty. But slowly, one-by-one people started coming in. Some just dropped in for a moment, others grabbed a front-row seat.

So, are you a leader? How many followers do you have? It doesn’t matter if it’s 100 or 100,000,000. Inspiring others to become more than they think they are requires leadership.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams


This entry was posted in allforthecustomer.com, Audience, Customer Service, Disney Institute, Following, Leadership, Sharing, Social Media. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to If you are a leader, who’s following?

  1. jeff noel says:

    Press on, David, press on.

  2. Patty Hebert says:

    I second Jeff’s motion.

    Am I a leader? Yes.
    How many followers? Ten youth in religious ed., and at other times six wonderful Girl Scouts. 🙂

  3. David says:

    Thanks Jeff. Getting back in the groove.

    Patty, I am sure those 10 and the Girl Scouts are truly blessed to have you as someone to follow!

  4. Patty Hebert says:

    The best part is watching the youth grow into responsible contributing individuals.

  5. David says:

    Isn’t it? I have that opportunity beginning this Sunday. I’ll be teaching our 6th and 7th graders on Sunday morning. It’s about the different roles they’ll play throughout their lives. The class is being taught by someone who has played multiple roles throughout his life.

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