No decision is still a decision



Today, I have someĀ decisionsĀ to make. These are going to be tough because a lot of people are going to be affected by the choices that are made.

But I can’t. Because I don’t want to take responsibility. I’ll just put it off, blaming my parents for the way they raised me. Or I’ll blame my boss because of the rules of my job. Or I’ll come up with some other excuse instead of . . . owning my decisions.

So instead of taking a risk, I’ll not make any decisions at all. I’ll just play it safe.

But wait . . . that’s a decision too. Deciding to do nothing is still a decision.

I can’t get away from making decisions!!!!!

Neither can you.

RESPONSIBILITY is defined as “the ability or authority to act or decide on one’s own, without supervision.” (Thank you

If you’re still thinking about yesterday’s post, go ahead and make that decision. Understand the impact. But don’t choose indecision!



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7 Responses to No decision is still a decision

  1. Patty Hebert says:

    Love it! Own it! Decisions, some are easy, some are hard — but both empower their owner.

  2. jeff noel says:

    David, it’s inspiring to hear a loud echo…echo…echo…echo..

    Really liked and needed this post. Thank you.

  3. David says:

    Patty, OWN IT! I bet you do.

    Jeff, today . . . “I consider myself . . . The luckiest man . . . To comment on this blog!”

  4. David says:

    And Jeff, shouldn’t you be writing your next best-selling book?????

  5. Patty Hebert says:

    Not always, with age I’ve gotten better at being proactive and not leaving decisions to nondecision. Ah another thing good about being older.

  6. Jim Mundy says:

    That’s typical of a weak manager, not saying that’s what you are, BUT no decision may be a decision for YOU. The problem is the people that it’s going to affect! If your people have any inkling or are suspicious of this decision YOU need to make, you are doing them a huge disservice. Don’t let the virus of leadership dissatisfaction take the motivation out of your people. Do what needs to be done and get the team back together and go on.

  7. David says:


    Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting.

    I believe one trait of an affective leader is to guide them through a difficult period when the decision that NEEDS to be made might lead them through troubled waters. Going through tough times as a unified team makes everyone stronger.

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