Where ‘ya headed?

20130918-221549.jpgHow do you decide which way to go?

Sometimes inertia pushes you in a direction that might not be the best choice. If you are in the lead car, you don’t always see what lies around the next bend or how far the next drop will last.

Knowledge. Experience. Faith. Rely on all of them.

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5 Responses to Where ‘ya headed?

  1. Patty Hebert says:

    Recently I thought I was heading towards a huge paycheck career job that would have required 3 hours of commuting. Instead I fell into an exciting position with friends 5 minutes from my home. The pay? Not so good but my life is full of laughter and being closer to home with the girls and their schedule is calming and less stressful. I thank God for this opportunity.

  2. jeff noel says:

    David, it sure is wonderful to see you back up on the horse. Keep writing.

    • David says:

      Thanks Jeff. I’ve been busy the last few months and as I was going through some pictures last night it hit me that I didn’t need some great event to inspire me start writing. The inspiration was there all along. 🙂

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