Opposites attract

Can you tell a difference? Picture from Internet sourcesI guess it also works in this situation too.

The strong will realize when there really is no argument present.

The weak will attempt to divert attention away from the real issue.

You will never force the fool to understand your way of thinking and turn from the dark side. When logic, reason and truth don’t work, walk away. Because continuing to argue is like banging your head against a brick wall. Only you walk away bloody. The wall is still standing.

Posted in Humor, Loyalty, Maturity | 2 Comments

Don’t Blink

Wasn't this just last year?

Wasn’t this just last year?


The average person blinks over 16,000 times a day while awake. That’s about 5% of our day going around with our eyes closed.

Here is your question of the day courtesy of Captain Obvious.

How much do you see with your eyes closed?

Some see music, some see art, some see dreams.

And some see nothing.

Just because your eyes are closed doesn’t mean your mind has to follow suit.

Posted in Change, Dreams, Growth | Comments Off on Don’t Blink

Turning the page

Golden WingsIt’s another year.

May the blessings of last year continue this year.

May the tragedies of the past continue to fade away.

I hope you make mistakes this year. Not because I want you to fail. But because I believe we still have so much to learn and grow.

You don’t stop reading a “who-dun-it” book after the first chapter. Don’t stop working toward your goals just because you haven’t reached them after 2 days.

Posted in Beginning, Blessings | Comments Off on Turning the page


Following the right path?

Following the right path?

Our work doesn’t define us. What we do defines our work.

Have you had this conversation?

Me: Hi! I’m David.

New Friend: Hello. I’m Tom.

Me: Nice to meet you. What do you do?

Tom: I’m an engineer. What do you do?

Sound familiar? Are we initiating small talk or are we trying to establish the other person’s worth in society? Depending on their answer and our opinions, are we placing a dollar amount above their head?

Maybe we should rethink how we live instead of what we do. Pick one of these three options and see if it changes what you do.

  1. We are defined by what we do in our free time.
  2. We are defined by our wildest dreams.
  3. We are defined by what we cherish the most.

What is your passion? What drives you? What convicts you?

Careers change in the blink of an eye. Spending time with friends and family, serving the community or pursuing a fun interest are things that can say a lot more about you than your job.

Posted in Career, Value, Worker | 2 Comments

Has it changed?

Casualties included civilians.

Casualties included civilians.

It’s been over 150 years since the conflict began. The hatred, the self-righteousness, the fanatics.

Kind of silly to be fighting over the same issues in a third millennium.

“Can’t we all just get along?”

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