Put me in coach

Are they there because their leader said so? Or do they want to be there?

Are they there because their leader said so? Or do they want to be there?

Recruitment. Where do you look for talent? Especially when it relates to strengthening your brand.

Do you have an endless supply of talented sales people who are clamoring to rise in your organization? Or are you pushing employees into upper management positions they won’t like?

In order to be successful, we should be recruiting the best people who have the right character for our business.

And recognize that those people become a part of your brand.  There’s really no secret to getting it done. Brand “you” is about creating a consistent message for your business and making sure it comes through whenever and wherever you interact with the public.

So go out there and be remarkable today!

Posted in Anniversary, Recruits | Comments Off on Put me in coach

Don’t give up

Walt never saw this one off the paper but he could see it rising above the ground.

Walt never saw this one come to life off the paper but he could see it rising above the ground.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to success is always to try just one more time.” Thomas Edison

Where would we be with:

  • 6 Up
  • Preparation G
  • The neighborhood wide web
  • The Fantastic 2.5
  • Walt Disney Acre
  • Route Sixty something

I think you get the idea.

Don’t stop. Don’t give up. Learn a new way to get it done. 🙂

Posted in Determined, Dreams, Focused | 2 Comments

Leadership update

imageHave you been excited about being a volunteer?

The picture above was taken at Leadercast 2013. I just applied to work as a volunteer again and I can’t wait for the opportunity to serve.

And I’m talking about the kind of excitement where you wish you could invite everyone to participate with you. It’s crazy long hours the day before the event doing whatever needs to be done. And I mean whatever. I tried to get it across that I was volunteering and that whatever they needed me to do, I was their guy.

And in a weird way, they couldn’t believe I was serious. They asked and before they could explain what needed to be done in detail I said yes. Always.

Now, let me apologize. This isn’t just about me. This is for all of us. We should all have a desire to volunteer where we can. And to that, here are some guidelines that might help you decide when and how much to volunteer.

  1. Don’t volunteer just to gain bragging rights.
  2. Consider helping for seasonal opportunities (Thanksgiving, back-to-school, etc.) if your time is short.
  3. If you are in charge of volunteers, thank them regularly.
  4. Be wary of any group that asks for money for you to volunteer. If that’s the case, it’s not a true volunteer opportunity. Look elsewhere.

Don’t be bullied into volunteering. Coercion is not a proper way to get someone to volunteer. This is service that should come from the heart. There are going to be times when you have to and should say no to a volunteer opportunity. Weigh your immediate demands against the benefits of the chance to volunteer.

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments


Fill your every day life with fireworks!

Fill your every day life with fireworks! (Photo by E. Balentine)

Words of wisdom:

“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” – Seth Godin

This is not to say that if you get things just right you’ll no longer need a vacation.

Tell me if this sounds like you.

You work a typical 40-hour-a-week job but due to you being gone, you have to put in extra hours on Friday. You get home late and begin to pack, trying to remember that thing you told yourself not to forget after the last vacation. Exhausted, you get to bed after 2 am knowing that if you just get a few hours of sleep you’ll be fine to hit the road at 5 am to get a head of traffic. Once you get out-of-town, there is an accident in the road construction section of the highway, reminding you that you should have taken the bathroom/lunch break when you had the chance. You arrive at your glamorous beach destination just in time for the afternoon rain showers to come in so your luggage and you get soaked by the time you get in your room. Cranky from the extra long trip, you decry that vacations just aren’t worth the hassle. You could have saved your money and stayed at home.

Plan. Prepare. Perform.

PS. You wake up at 3 am and realize what it was you forgot to pack. . . Underwear. 🙂

Posted in Planning, Positive, Satisfaction | 2 Comments

Take control

Up hear, you are not in control.

Up here, you are not in control.

Are you in control of your day or does it control you?

Do you have a plan for the day or are you a leaf succumbing to the directions of the wind as it blows you around day-to-day?

Generally speaking, a plan or idea in your head usually stays there unless you write it down.

“Why worry about things you can’t control when you can keep yourself busy controlling the things that depend on you?” ~Unknown

Posted in Control, Planning, Preparedness | 4 Comments