Dreams aren’t just for children.
Do you dream for a better life? More business? Better health?
Don’t give up your dream just because you are no longer a child.
TweetDreams aren’t just for children.
Do you dream for a better life? More business? Better health?
Don’t give up your dream just because you are no longer a child.
David, rereading this again today reminds me how lost we’d be without dreams. Its the easiest way for a child to pass the time and do work that matters… even if only until the next dream.
At 48, am I still a child? You bet. And hopefully we don’t get lost in the dreams. Wouldn’t it be great to be a part of a community (work, school, neighborhood) that was built around giving of ourselves as to support the dreams of those we come in contact with?
Yeah . . . it would. 🙂
You mean like blogging?
EXACTLY like blogging!!! You da’ man, Jeff! 😀 😀 😀
Dreams are the beginning stages for goals. Dream on, dream on, dream on until your dreams come true.
Dream on, dream on . . . why am I thinking of Steven Tyler? 🙂