As a volunteer at the 2013 Chick-fil-a Leadercast, I was assigned the job of host for a group of hospitality suites.
On the morning of the Leadercast, I was working with Evan (pictured on the right) when he spotted a familiar figure along the concourse. We figured out who it was and the excitement began to build as he made his way toward us.
As he approached, it was obvious he was deep in conversation with the gentleman beside him. However, when he walked in front of us he stopped, offered his hand and said, “Hi. I’m Dan.” It wasn’t Mr. Cathy. It wasn’t President and COO Cathy. It was Dan.
How often do you introduce yourself as president/director/professor? Or are you just you?
visit their corp offices or events and he’ll likely be serenading his employess on his trumpet as well. Either standing outside as they walk in from the parking lot, or in the lunch room at lunch time!! better yet, I’ve seen him bow to pray with an employee struggling! Servant leadership in action is amazing to witness, and his employees respect him and want to follow him because he genuinely CARES!!
We are all cut from the same cloth. Humility and a deep sense of service are in our DNA.
It’s a personal decision to grow and nurture this.
Dan, with his half-eaten bagel, is a normal person who happens to have a Father who founded The Dwarf Inn a long time ago – a man trying to support his Family.
A man who found two recipes. One for a great chicken sandwich. The other for running a servant-based business.