Goals. Realistic goals. Impossible goals.
Goals are necessary for direction. And if they’re not impossible, how will you know just how far you can reach?
1. Make your goal specific.
2. Give it time.
3. Remind yourself daily of your goal.
4. You’ve got to believe in it.
5. Roadblocks do not translate into failure.
It’s not rocket surgery.
PS. Are you getting it yet?
Yes, slow and steady
Wins the race. 🙂
But it is brain science.
🙂 I expected that from you. My day can now continue. 🙂
And I expected myself to thank you for the hyperlink. Alas, being (or trying to be) distracts me. 🙂
Opps, forgot the key word – funny -dang.
Trying to be funny is distracting for some.
You do it well.
I’ve been helping a family member navigate some rough waters recently. Sometimes the only thing I had to offer was to make them laugh.
Never underestimate the power of a smile.