It’s not Hump Day. But if you’ve been to Walt Disney World and you know this scene, then the song should be running through your head.
You’re welcome.
And while you’re thinking about it, even with over 7 billion people on it, this world is kinda small after all.
Here’s a suggestion. Make today a nice day wherever you are. A customer pulled on the door this morning 30 minutes before our scheduled opening. I let him in and that set a positive tone on the day.
The last customer that came in was a Vietnam War veteran. He has several health issues and just wanted a good night’s sleep. He shared with me some of the things he experienced overseas and when he came home. It was worse here at home. But his attitude is great even in the face of a cancer diagnosis and his other health problems.
“If I can survive the war, I can survive anything.”
Thank you, Wayne, for your service and for making my day better.