Category Archives: Walt Disney World

Just a little suggestion

It’s not Hump Day. But if you’ve been to Walt Disney World and you know this scene, then the song should be running through your head. You’re welcome. And while you’re thinking about it, even with over 7 billion people … Continue reading

Posted in Guest, Service, Walt Disney World | Comments Off on Just a little suggestion

Is inspiration dead?

Well, I thought it was. And then I saw her. She hollered my name across the room. That made me smile. She came out from behind the counter with her arms spread wide, her smile wider. And that almost made … Continue reading

Posted in Best Of, Cast Member, Exceed Expectations, Infectious, Inspiration, Smile, Walt Disney World | 6 Comments

One chance meeting

Some guy named jeff. Two years ago today, I met the other face in the picture above. At the time, I had no idea how it would affect my life going forward. He was quietly funny (still is). He made … Continue reading

Posted in Anniversary, Encouragement, Excellence, Grateful, Guestology, Hard Work, Imperfect, Infectious, Inspiration, It's All About the Customer, Jeff Noel, Leadership, Love Your Job, Mentor, Motivation, Passion, Relationship, Serve, Thank you, Walt Disney World | 7 Comments

Just Celebrate!

Happy Anniversary Walt Disney World! Congratulations on 40 years of making magic. While they may not get it right in every situation, today is the result of being consistent with their purpose, goals and expectations for 40 years. What can … Continue reading

Posted in Anniversary, Vision, Walt Disney, Walt Disney World | 4 Comments

Happy Birthday, Mr. Inspiration

“It’s All About The Customer” is only 19 months old. This whole journey started many years ago. But the most recent leg of that journey has been greatly influenced by a man with a vision. But he’s not just any … Continue reading

Posted in 5-a-day-blogger, Cast Member, Difference, Disney Institute, Disney's Approach to Leadership Excellence, Excellence, Fortune 100, Impactful, Infectious, Insane, Inspiration, Jeff Noel, Leadership, Milestones, Organization, Passion, Principles, Professional, Purpose, Relationship, Remarkable, Service, Sincerity, Thank you, Walt Disney World | 5 Comments