If not you, then who?

Do others know your plan?

Do others know your plan?

If you’re not around to take care of the details, who will take your place?

Communication is key.

Before his death, Walt Disney envisioned a Utopian city where people would live, shop and work, showcasing to the world the innovations and technologies of tomorrow.

It would also never be finished, always introducing and testing new systems and materials. Walt left a legacy that helped to shape the current day Epcot, something different from what he initially imagined.

When you’re gone, will your legacy go beyond your Last Will and Testament? The qualities and details of your character will echo far beyond constructed walls of temples and shrines dedicated to mankind.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

Posted in Destiny, Values | 1 Comment

Anyone there?

The performers are there but where is the audience?

The performers are there but where is the audience?

You call but no one answers.

You go by and the lights aren’t on.

You start to think something is wrong.

You wait in the parking lot for a sign.

You start thinking about alternatives.

You go somewhere else.


You stayed up late the night before so you start your day later than normal.

You stand in line at the bank making the deposit from yesterday’s dismal sales.

You sigh audibly because the customer in front of you is talking too much instead of transacting business.

You forgot your lunch so you grab some grub from the grocer.

You open the store late because the lady in front of you took too long sorting her coupons.

You don’t meet your sales goals because nobody is coming to the store.


How is your day going? Do you recognize any of this?

This could be a fictional story. Or it could be the reason your business is suffering.

Can you see this scenario unfolding in your mind? Or did it happen to you recently.

Here’s an alternative approach.


You cook and package your lunch for tomorrow to save money and time.

You make a list of priorities you must complete the next day to stay on track for meeting your goals.

You arrive at work early and see the note left for you by a conscientious employee informing you of the problem with the printer. No problem. You’ve got time to fix it.

You are the first customer in line at the bank and everyone is glad to see you.

You get to the store in time to sweep the sidewalk and a customer stops to ask if you’re already open. They become a customer for life because you opened early.

You take care of your customers’ needs even before they know what they need.

Plan. Prepare. Perform.


Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments

You have one job

imageMeet Elisa. She’s the one carrying the umbrella on the left.

Why is she carrying an umbrella? Well besides the obvious fact that it’s raining, she is out there because of where she works and what this location means to the community.

I spoke with the business owner to get her name. He said it’s what they do all the time. The rain falls and the umbrellas come out escorting patrons to and from their vehicles.

Have you EVER had this kind of experience at any other fast food chain? Casual restaurant? Maybe the kind of service you would get at a five-star location. But you’d be hard pressed to get it at McBurger something.

Are you giving your customers your unexpected best?

Posted in Incredibly different, Service, Unexpected | 4 Comments

Excellence or conformity

Whatever it is, be good at it.

Whatever it is, be good at it.

I overheard a radio talk head yesterday discussing “deflate-gate”. If you’re not sure what it is you can Google it for all the fun details.

Anyway, the host was talking about it and he made the following observation:

“Excellence is good. But conformity is better.” Oh really?

What if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had conformed instead of leading a rebellion? Or how about Steve Jobs? Where would the computing world be if he had stayed inside the box? Mahatma Gandhi ring a bell? Remember Amelia Earhart?

“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the square pegs in the round holes. . . They’re not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status-quo.”

In Steve’s own words:



Posted in Excellence | 4 Comments

Are you on the right track?

imageAre you sure you’re headed in the right direction?

How would you know? What gauges do you use?

When you see the path before you, the choice is easy.

The choice is also safe. No blind spots, no hard turns, no changing direction. You can only go forward or backward.

But there is so much more to see and do. There are 360° in a circle. If you move just one degree in direction from the origin, just think about how far you’ll be after the journey of a lifetime.

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