See you again soon

As a customer was walking out, I said, “See you again soon.” She stopped at the door and told me “Yes you will. You guys are always so nice to me.”

That made my day.

But she made my day first by coming in. And I wanted her to know that.

Our guests/customers need to feel that they are the most special person at that moment in time. More important than sweeping the rug, or restocking the shelf, or working on that spreadsheet.

If it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t be . . . . period.

This entry was posted in Appreciate, Business, Important, Repeat, Service. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to See you again soon

  1. Donna Flanagin says:

    Right on target.

  2. David Balentine says:

    Thanks Donna. A friend sent me an email saying this one sounded like a repeat. If we're not reminding ourselves the importance of repeat business we won't have any.

  3. Donna Flanagin says:

    Too funny, the one thing you can gather from that is that people are reading and that is great 🙂 You have my vote to repeat all you want and say it differently, customer service matters.

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