When you come across great service, how do you recognize it? True, it may be a rare occurrence. But what is more rare is acknowledging those that exceed your expectations.
Below is a transcript of a letter written to the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway from a satisfied passenger.
“I would like to call your attention to two of your employees: Conductor C. L. Bozeman and Flagman K. C. Harbison. They were on Train No. 5 from Atlanta to Chattanooga.
“Returning to Henderson, Ky. from Charleston, S. C., I was on this train (May 7th) and in all my travels and have never met with such courtesy and attention as they gave the passengers. One young expectant mother from Texas had no wrap and a very thin sleeveless blouse. The night was cool – so she got cold.
“The Conductor gave her his coat and the Flagman got the coach back on heat altho[sic] it had been set for air conditioning. I am an old lady and they were equally considerate of my comfort altho [sic] I needed no wraps. This testimonal [sic] was unsolicited, but I feel they deserve it.”
Take it upon yourself to reward great service. Send a letter. Make a call. Send an email. Do something. Don’t let great service go unrecognized.
I think I can. I think I can. I think I can….
A good friend once told me that the best way to reward an employee at his company was to put it in writing. I took his advice. Twice. Totally worth it.