What do you celebrate?



What are the milestones you celebrate in your business? Is it meeting a sales goal? Is it when you receive praise from one of your customers? Is it personal accomplishments as you watch a team member better themselves?  Are you celebrating loyalty among your employees?

There are thousands of ways to celebrate. The main categories I find are . . .

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Individual/Team performance
  • Behaviors
  • Longevity

It may take a shift in the way you relate to your employees. Rewarding your employees can be in the form of public recognition among their peers. You can treat them to a fancy dinner. It can also be a kind word when you witness a team member going above and beyond what is expected of them.

Sometimes, a simple thank you is all that is necessary. But if you would like to treat me to a steak dinner, I’m game!



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7 Responses to What do you celebrate?

  1. jeff noel says:

    Inquiring minds want to know. How did your ‘interview’ go yesterday?

  2. jeff noel says:

    The podcast thing. Or is the next Monday. It is. Never mind. The 28th. Right?

    • David says:

      Ah yes. It is scheduled for April 28. It starts at 9:00 pm. It will be available for downloading for those who can’t tune in live.

  3. jeff noel says:

    Cool. Sorry for jumping *squirrel* the gun.

  4. David says:

    LOL! 🙂

    • David says:

      And an update . . . .

      It may be a few more weeks before the podcast is available online. I’ll post the link as soon as it’s available!

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