From here to a star

Look! Up in the sky.

Look! Up in the sky.

Goals. Realistic goals. Impossible goals.

Goals are necessary for direction. And if they’re not impossible, how will you know just how far you can reach?

1. Make your goal specific.
2. Give it time.
3. Remind yourself daily of your goal.
4. You’ve got to believe in it.
5. Roadblocks do not translate into failure.

It’s not rocket surgery.

PS. Are you getting it yet?

Posted in Goals | 7 Comments

How far is the journey?

Which way do we go?

Which way do we go?

Where do you want to be at the end of 2013? 2018? How about 2023? That’s only 10 years away. Do you remember talking about Y2K? It doesn’t seem that long ago.

Do you have a plan on how to get there?

“The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.” Theodore Hesburgh

Posted in Disney's Approach to Leadership Excellence, Vision | Comments Off on How far is the journey?

To be where you are

That sure is some green grass.

That sure is some green grass.

Is the grassĀ always greener on the other side?

Take the opportunity of perspective and improve the grass under your own two feet.

Posted in Improvement, Perspective | 1 Comment

How far would I travel?

Far enough to fly?

Far enough to fly?

Inviting atmosphere. Quality service. Great people.

These are phrases you hear when consumers are asked about why they shop at a particular store that might not be the closest or most convenient location for them.

How far would you go to to be the recipient of these?

Better yet, how far will you go to provide these?

Posted in All You Do Is for Them, Incredibly different, Quality Service | 2 Comments


Our debt . . . their sacrifice.

Our debt . . . their sacrifice.

Devotion. Sacrifice. Dedication.

Whether it be to a person or to a cause, we often refer use these words when describing loyalty.

Each of us is the beneficiary of the sacrifices of others whether we want to acknowledge it or not.

Posted in Dedication, Devotion, Sacrifice | 2 Comments