“Every child is born blessed with a vivid imagination. But just as muscles grow flabby with disuse, so the bright imagination of a child pales in later years if he ceases to exercise it.” Walt Disney
Know what I’m thinking right now?
Use it or lose it.
Sing it from the roof tops.
PS. Ho come Donald isn’t wearing pants?
That’s supposed to ask, How, not ho
I don’t know. How come Donald isn’t wearing pants? Do we need a rim shot after the answer?
Is it because he’s a duck?
what’s a rim shot?
According to Wikipedia, a rim shot is ” . . . the sound produced by hitting the rim and the head of a drum simultaneously, with a drum stick. Rimshots are usually played to produce a more accented note, and are typically played loudly. However, soft rim shots are possible.”
The actual term I was going for was the “sting” which is the percussion sound usually heard after the punchline of a joke.