Category Archives: Cancer

Cancer update

It’s 4+ years since the initial diagnosis. Still no sign of cancer. It doesn’t mean it’s not lurking in the shadows. But I’ll take it for now. Of all the diseases in the world, there is probably no other disease … Continue reading

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You’ve got this

Nolan’s family gets it. There is more to treating our diseases than what modern medicine can offer. You play an important part. As a matter of fact, you play the starring role. Don’t let “it” get “you” cause you’ve got … Continue reading

Posted in Bottom Line, Cancer, Determined, Encouragement | 1 Comment


Or vomet. The next time you think you want to complain about “a hard pill to swallow” remember this. . . “It sucks to upchuck.” PS. This was my favorite of all the letters. Tweet

Posted in Bad day, Cancer, Children | 1 Comment


When you don’t understand something, you ask questions. Why is something happening to me? Why is my cancer coming back? Why am I not getting better? Why hasn’t a cure been found? Tweet

Posted in Answers, Cancer, Cure | 2 Comments


Abbott and Costello. Anthony and Cleopatra. Batman and Robin. We don’t have to face struggles alone. And it all can be helped just by giving a little encouragement along the way. Marissa’s mnemonic ends with “E – Encouragement this makes … Continue reading

Posted in Cancer, Encouragement, Hope | 1 Comment