Category Archives: Kindness

Everyone is your customer

Hopefully you are sitting down as you read this. We have a Disney trip scheduled for next month. I know, shocker. We are only 37 days away from the start of our trip and with the current crisis and no firm … Continue reading

Posted in Customer Centric, Kindness | Comments Off on Everyone is your customer

Does it have to be random?

Why do random acts of kindness have to be random? Why can’t they be a part of our every day life? I have a friend who has been out of work for over 5 months and didn’t have a good … Continue reading

Posted in Hope, Kindness, Random | 1 Comment

No more tears

Occasionally, I depart from the norm of talking about customer service when something profound strikes me. Today is one of those days. Once a month, we sing at a local nursing home/rehabilitation center. One of the residents is Carmen. Carmen … Continue reading

Posted in All You Do Is for Them, Care, Compassion, Hope, Kindness | 5 Comments

A small word

If you’re thinking charades, that’s not where I’m going. A, an, is, if, it, no, on, at, to . . . . those are all small words. What I’m talking about is offering a small, kind word to your customer. … Continue reading

Posted in Encouragement, Kindness | 2 Comments

X-ray vision

Got a test coming up. It’s not oral or written. It’s nuclear. It will take a deep look inside and hopefully reveal nothing. And that got me thinking. Wouldn’t it be cool to have x-ray vision like Superman? You still … Continue reading

Posted in Compassion, Kindness, Service | 4 Comments