“I’d rather entertain and hope that people learn, than teach and hope that people are entertained.” —Walt Disney
When I call a business/store/restaurant/other company, I want to know who I’m talking to.
Do you have a script or a greeting you use whenever you answer the phone? Does it include your name? Does it include a clever saying that grabs your caller’s attention?
You only have a few seconds to impress your guest when they call you on the phone. Due to so many choices available to shoppers today, that phone call could be your ticket to a successful year. Or it can be one step closer to failure.
I had a pleasant conversation yesterday from a caller who dialed our number by mistake. Instead of grumbling “wrong number” into the phone and hanging up, we talked about the weather and I told her we were having a sale. She didn’t live in the area but was thankful that I was so nice to her, a total stranger.
If you care to invest that much in a stranger, be sure you are investing at least the same in your regular customers.
They’ll appreciate the attention.
Be nice to everyone. Simplifies things and reduces confusion on what to do to whom.
Amen. And it’s not “be nice to everyone if . . . “. It’s be nice to everyone. End of sentence, end of comment. 🙂
Or, as we say where I’m from, “Period!”