Change your perspective

They see what we see. Sometimes better.

I’m not talking about going from negative to positive or a one-year plan versus a five-year plan of action.

I’m talking about getting down on your knees and seeing things from the perspective of the little people around you.

I’m talking about giving up the absolutes that we perceive only exist because we can’t see the whole picture.

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It’s another day

Who’s the normal one in this pic?

It may be just another day. But for some, it’s a milestone.

I’ll probably get in trouble for this. But I’m doing it anyway.

Happy 50th sis. I hope you have at least 50 more!

Posted in Celebrate, Family | 1 Comment

Why the reminder?

What else would you be thinking?

Because we forget.

We need subtle reminders as well as the two-by-fours smacked on the side of our heads.

Posted in Priority, Rules, Safety | 2 Comments

Armor up

Don’t die stupid. Live smart.

“There is no greater joy or greater honor than to be called…Dad. There is also no greater responsibility than that of being a Father.” Jeff Searcy, Founder, Servant Warrior Ministries

Thanks to a long time friend Jeff for sending me this shirt. I had the opportunity to wear it recently on a hike up Kennesaw Mountain with the family. It received a lot of looks and comments, both in support of the message and in the simplicity of the message.

Jeff and I have several things in common. We are bloggers, husbands and fathers. We are also sons who lost our fathers a long time ago. We’re trying to make an impact in the lives of our children. Sometimes we even get it right.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. If you can, go see your dad today and have a good talk with him. Let him know how much you appreciate the job he has as a dad.

Miss you dad. Happy Father’s Day.

Posted in Difference, Family, Father's Day, Impactful, Leader | 3 Comments

Shoot really straight


A friend who has followed “It’s All About The Customer” for quite a while now sent me the following message.

“I thought of you the other day. I had a customer come in the store looking for something for his son. He said that his son had used a product purchased at a competitor and really liked it. We do not sell the product, so I recommended one of ours. The man said that his son had also taken that product and not seen any results.

I decided to break all the rules of retail. I said, “Do you mind if I shoot really straight with you?” He said, “Go ahead.” I said, “I think you ought to go down the road and buy the product he really liked.” He said, “Just because you said that makes me want to shop with you guys.” He ended up buying a product for himself from me (nothing too impressive, but a sale nonetheless).

I wanted to get your feedback on this scenario. I probably would have gotten in trouble if my manager had been there. Do you think it is ever okay to send your customer down the road to a competitor? I think in a case like this it is. I’m hoping that the long-term benefit outweighs the short-term “loss.” Thoughts?”

Okay. May I just say this was a huge risk? May I also say that I would probably have done the same thing?

What would you do? Would you have the courage to take the risk?

Posted in Competition, Courage, Risk | 10 Comments