Knowledge Is Power

I was fortunate to attend a sales meeting recently sponsored by one of our vendors. The main presenter for the evening is a very spirited, energetic and knowledgeable salesman. While some may find his tactics “over-the-top” Pat brings a level of enthusiasm and passion to his work that is rare in a retail environment.

One of his main selling tips focused on three “knows”. When he first said it, I saw the word NO in my head instead of the word KNOW. Until he explained what he meant, I was scratching my head trying to think ahead and figure out what he was talking about.

1. Know your customer’s name – Do you know who your best 25 customers are? What about the top 10? How about 1 or 2? Do you have a way to track them? What are you doing special for them to keep them as your top customers?

2. Know what your customer buys – In stock position is vital to any business that carries an inventory. Having the right products in at the right time is the right decision to make for success.

3. Know what your customers do – Hobbies, interests, children’s activities, job . . . if they are involved you should know about it. Unless they are members of the “One and Only Club for Loners” show an interest in their interests. It goes beyond the casual conversation. Know what they do whether it’s for fun or for a paycheck.

Click here to go to Wikipedia’s SchoolHouse Rock page. You know you want to since you’ve been singing the song!

Knowledge Is Power!

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