Staying the course

100_2906It can get pretty scary out there.

Staying focused on your goals is tough enough. If you lose sight of where you’re headed and in stead focus on the distractions along they way, well, not only will it take longer to reach your goals, you might become dinner.

Stay focused my friends.

Posted in Focused, Goals, Hard Work | 2 Comments

When there’s a smile in your heart

100_2855Your eyes can hear it.

Read it again. The title first, then the first line. I mixed them up on purpose.

You see, when you smile with your heart everyone knows it. It’s genuine.

And infectious.

Posted in Impactful, Infectious, Smile | 3 Comments

Be the light

IMG_1462Scientists believe it takes around 100,000 years for light to go from one end of the Milky Way to the other.

How about we take a few seconds and share the light with the person we pass on the sidewalk, at the coffee shop or down the hall at work?

Posted in Cheerleader, Difference, Encouragement, Hope | 4 Comments

What is your story?


Posted in Future, Goals, Job, Past, Relationship, Story | Comments Off on What is your story?

Wind and fire

20130515-200506.jpgHave you ever noticed the relationship between wind and fire?

The same wind can put out a small flame and feed a large inferno.

So can the words from your heart. They can overpower the weak when delivered without care and love.

They can also be the encouragement and motivation even when the strong are struggling.

Posted in Encouragement, Motivation, Overwhelming, Support | 2 Comments