One in a hundred

If the old paths are getting you nowhere, maybe it's time for a new strategy.

If the old paths are getting you nowhere, maybe it’s time for a new strategy.

10,000 emails. 100 open slots. That’s a 1-in-a-hundred chance. I’m pretty good at math. Not stating arrogance, just affirming my nerdy side.

So I get an invitation to be a part of an exclusive opportunity. No, it’s not a multi-level marketing scheme. At least it’s not the first two words.

It’s a novel approach (if you only knew how good that pun is) to marketing. Approximately 100 people will be chosen for this opportunity to “help spread the word in a strategic way.”

Each day you have the opportunity to make an impact, be extraordinary and be a part of something great. You can go it solo and be awesome or join a team of like-minded individuals that are focused on one goal . . . and still be awesome.

It’s your choice.

Posted in Choices, Mark Sanborn, Meaningful, Opportunity | 4 Comments

I just want to be the janitor

Whatever it is, be good at it.

Whatever it is, be good at it.

If you’re reading this, the Mayans were wrong. 🙂 Now that we’ve got that out of the way, it’s time to focus on your goals and dreams.

If you could have your dream job, what would it be? In the context of a recent Disney Institute course, this question was posed to the crowd of about 400 attendees. My answer? Janitor in one of the Disney theme parks. Why? I see you scratching your head on this one.

Here are the requirements for my perfect job. I don’t want a cushy desk assignment. (I’m already too soft around the middle.) I want to have the most contact with the most people. So you go where the people are. People will stop and ask you every question imaginable under the sun, including classics like what time is the 3 o’clock parade.  The job can be full of adventure, a fantasy, turn-of-the-century, futuristic or you could be out in the wild frontier.

So being part of the custodial team is the perfect job. It meets all of the requirements. You’re given a free uniform and all of the tools necessary to do a good job. Will it make you a rich? Probably not. But you’ll get the opportunity to make someone feel like a million bucks!

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius

Posted in Disney Institute, Dread, Love Your Job | 3 Comments

Hire them and keep them

40 years of dedicated service. Years . . . that's a long time.

40 years of dedicated service. Years . . . that’s a long time.

It’s no secret. One of the biggest successes of a business is its people. It can also be one of the biggest blunders.

How can you tell which one it will be when you hire a new employee? Unless you’ve got a super-duper Magic 9000 thingy, you probably can’t.

You start this process by treating your employees the same way you treat your customers. You make them feel special, respect them and reward them for their loyalty.

Try this little exercise. Take your existing company policy manual and go to the section on customer service. Every time you see the word “customer” replace it with the word “employee”. Compare this to what you currently do for your employees.

Is there a difference? If you plan to do more for your customers than you do for your employees how does that inspire loyalty among your team members?

If you want to learn more about how to make happy employees, go here for more information. Your business will thank you.

Posted in Appreciate, Career, Cast Member, Disney Institute, Employees, People Management, Recognition | Comments Off on Hire them and keep them

Knowing when to change course

Are you an authority on the direction your business is heading?

Are you an authority on the direction your business is heading?

Your plan was grand. Your timing was just perfect. But things aren’t going right. Is it time for a hail-Mary? Or just a little course correction?

If you’ve ever driven a car you can’t take your hands off the steering wheel (for very long) and expect the car to reach your destination without constant correction. There are traffic jams, construction roadblocks. There’s even scheduled maintenance you have to perform on your vehicle to make sure it’s running well.

The same can be said for your business. But how do you know when to make the correction? Let’s stay with the car analogy.

If your car needs maintenance, you might have lights appear on the dash that tell you it’s time to change the oil, inflate your tires or that your biffleflop is interfering with your glimenshputz and needs to be replaced immediately. (I’m not a car guy so those could be real things, ya’ know??)

We don’t always get the warning lights for our business. Being in tune (or in sync or inline) with what is going on in your business is one of the best ways to know when it’s time for a course correction or when you need to go down a different road.

It could be that you’re on the right road. You just simply missed a turn somewhere along the way.

Be adaptable to change. Listen and learn. Seek the counsel from others who’ve traveled this road before you.

Posted in Advice, Change, Choices | Comments Off on Knowing when to change course

How do you bring life to your business?

This is no place for your business to end up.

This is no place for your business to end up.

Do you love your job? Like it? Dare I ask if you hate it?

One of the steps at bringing life to your business is to check for a pulse. Hopefully yours is fine. But what about your business?

Running a business is hard work. Nobody said it would be easy and if you’re a business owner you’ve probably seen that it isn’t.

Here are a few things I’ve heard mentioned over the years that are worth repeating.

  • Believe in yourself and your plan. Get rid of the negativity. Some days it may feel like you are the only one pulling for yourself so be your biggest cheerleader.
  • Do a priority check. I can’t tell you what to put in which order. But if you don’t have an order, you won’t know which task ranks above others.
  • Ask for help. Do you have a friend or mentor who can offer advice? Maybe they’re just waiting in the wings for you to ask. GO!
  • Stay focused and organized. Staying focused keeps you on target to reach your goals. Staying organized helps you stay focused.

You have the power to bring life into your business. If you don’t, who will?

Posted in Cheerleader, Focused, Motivation, Organization, Priority | Comments Off on How do you bring life to your business?